December 21-22, 2024


PLEASE COME and SHOP- Get your last minute shopping done for the holidays!
Lots of vendors will be there, especially
CREATIVE CHRISTIE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hope you can make it!


You can find Creative Christie Unique and Soothing Buckwheat Pillows for Adults and Children for sale
at The Long Island Welcome CenterCornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County –  open year round.
The Welcome Center is located between exits 51 and 52, east bound, on the Long Island Expressway (495).
It’s a clean, relaxing, welcoming travel stop, with food and gifts for all.

SAVE * SAVE * SAVE!                                                                                                                                                    Most all ©Bye Bye Boo Boo Pillows are now on sale. Check them out!
Buckwheat Heating Pads: Birds in Flight/Summer Grass